Rethinking Microsoft's tablet: Surface Pro 2 succeeds
I didn't think I would ever be able to write those words after using (for two months) the original Surface Pro, then selling it because, well, I didn't like it.
The Surface Pro 2 changed my mind, though.
A good laptop-tablet hybrid is extremely difficult to design and build; it took me a while to realize this.
Build something that works well as a tablet and it probably won't be a very good laptop. Emphasize the laptop aspect too much and it's a lousy tablet.
In short, the perfect hybrid will probably never exist. (I don't even think Apple can pull it off.) And many consumers will always prefer the tried-and-true clamshell laptop.
But Microsoft has gotten closer than most to the ideal hybrid by unabashedly marketing it as a powerful, highly-portable laptop that can be a tablet if needs be.
Here's why it works:
- High quality:
This has become probably the single most important criterion for me in
evaluating a product. A novel design can look and sound great on the
product page, but if it isn't put together well, forget it. There are
too many half-baked Windows PCs, hybrids -- whatever -- out there. A lot
falls into the throw-it-on-the-wall-and-see-if-it-sticks category. The
Surface Pro 2 is precisely the opposite. It is a carefully conceived
design with a very-high-quality build. To some degree the above applied
to the original Surface Pro but its first-gen keyboard (Type Cover)
didn't always work, the battery life was short, the unit got hot, and
Windows 8 had some usability challenges early on. None of those are
issues for me with the Surface Pro 2, with the exception of Windows
- I understand the design better now: The
fact that the Surface Pro is relatively thick for a tablet put me off at
first. But I understand the necessity now. Microsoft bypassed both the
Intel Atom and Core Y series processors. Those two chips, particularly
the former, are power-frugal designs that would allow a thinner chassis.
Instead, Microsoft opted for the mainstream U series Core i5 processor.
That powerful chip requires a (small) fan and a relatively big battery
to keep it going. But it's fast. Very fast. Benchmarks
bear this out. It feels just as quick as my 13-inch MacBook Pro Retina
-- which uses a higher performance Core i5 (and is much heavier). And
that's really important to me when doing work-related "productivity"
tasks that require a lot of horsepower.
- More compact than an ultrabook:
Let's be clear, 0.53 inches isn't exactly thick for a laptop. The
thinnest ultrabooks aren't that thin. And two pounds isn't exactly heavy
either. That's lighter than the minimalist 11-inch MacBook Air.
- Works with my Apple LED Cinema display:
This is a big plus for me. And everything is snappy -- it has no
problem pushing around the pixels on the 2,560x1,440 display. The
first-gen Surface Pro, despite having a Mini DisplayPort, did not work
with a Cinema display (which was one of the reasons I sold it).
- Dock: I don't have the dock but the fact that one exists
is important. I used Hewlett-Packard laptops for years with port
replicators and docking stations. Life is a lot easier when you can pop
the computer into a dock with all the cables and connections already in
- Type Cover 2 keyboard: It's not full-sized
but can be used as a full-time keyboard. I got used to it quickly and,
again, could type on it all day. One complaint: Microsoft should make
the buttons on the trackpad discrete with tactile (not just audible)
- It could really be your only compute device:
The whole idea, after all, is not to haul around both a tablet and a
laptop. That's entirely possible with the Surface Pro 2. The problem
that less-powerful tablet hybrids have is that they can't handle
processor- and keyboard-and-mouse intensive work.
- Windows 8.1:
The OS has its detractors and it's certainly not perfect (too much
switching between Metro and desktop modes, for instance). But I have
fewer pull-out-your-hair, show-stopping gripes than before. In other
words, I can get work done, for the most part, as efficiently as I can
on my MacBook Pro. And settings in Google Chrome (where I spend a lot of
my time) can be set for high-resolution displays now in Windows 8.1.
That makes a difference too.
- Gratuitous advice for Microsoft:
Though I have a better understanding of the Surface Pro's design now,
Microsoft should make an effort with the third-generation Pro to reduce
bulk. When used strictly as a tablet, it's not something you can easily
pick up and plop in your lap. In other words, if you have an iPad Air
and Surface Pro on the table in front of you, you're much more inclined
to grab the 1-pound Air. Microsoft could still build a powerful Surface
Pro that is, let's say, 0.40-0.45-inches thick and between 1.5 and 1.7
pounds. That would make the Surface Pro almost irresistible, in my
Surface Pro 2 connected to Apple Cinema,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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